nbz115541 发表于 2024-4-12 11:29


文/ NeoCon

海耶克显然英语说的很好也很放得开,提问者似乎也非常了解海耶克。据统计,海耶克说了一次'damn', 这在我最近读的100本非虚构英文书籍里还是第一次出现。海耶克自己也说自己比较偏英国人而不是奥国人或者美国人,因为英国人比较..矫情..扭扭捏捏。海耶克还说自己之所以做了纯学术事业还选择了学术中比较艰深的理论完全是因为移民于异国没法社交的缘故。



海耶克论米塞斯主要有两句话:a. 他对我指教最大 b. 他在英美的影响被忽略。还有两个八卦:米塞斯曾经一度做好了准备要接管奥国财政部控制通胀,可惜未能如愿。“米塞斯是奥匈帝国唯一理解通胀的男人”(当然是大意)。米塞斯一生没有正经教授职位是因为他的犹太同事们都是左棍。而犹太人评职称是要靠犹太人支持的。






海耶克吐槽贝弗里奇(Lord Beveridge)“完全不懂经济学”,但是凭着专家给的提纲“一天一夜攒出一大篇专业论文无压力”,这本事是“牛津要求学生每周就不同问题写一篇论文”锻炼出来的。(全是大意你懂的)。所以所谓社会安全网是什么“底线”,市场“自发”形成的都是不读历史的,跟当年一样,葫芦官乱断葫芦案。

哈耶克对拉斯基都鄙视到, 怎么说,毫无节操的地步。基本上就是个爱讲话喜欢权力的小人渣。


哦对了,凯恩斯英文很好大家都知道,大家不知道的是他声音也很好听。“His voice was so bewitching”.

In the middle 1940s—I suppose I sound very conceited—I
think I was known as one of the two main disputing
economists: there was Keynes and there was I. Now, Keynes
died and became a saint; and I discredited myself by
publishing The Road to Serfdom, which completely changed
the situation.

海耶克最喜欢的自己的书好像是"the sensory order".

It is common among young people that they are so fearless that they get into danger, but I never really had any fear of death, and that is connected with a certain stability. I am also a stranger to the sort of dizziness which one experiences in heights.

But even in studying a new subject, the result of reading through the first textbook would be rather blurred and indistinct. And I used to prefer not to work through the same textbook
again but rather to read another one on the same subject. Gradually things would fall into their places, and while I would have acquired the gain of working out in my own mind an answer to most relevant questions, I would not have a clear conspectus of the whole ready in my mind or be able to give twice the same exposition of a topic.




Q3: Are you optimistic about the future of freedom?

HAYEK: Yes. A qualified optimism. I think there is an intellectual reversion on the way, and there is a good chance it may come in time before the movement in the opposite direction becomes irreversible. I am more optimistic than I was twenty years ago, when nearly all the leaders of opinion wanted to move in the socialist direction. This has particularly changed in the younger generation. So, if the change comes in time, there still is hope.


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